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Friday, May 24, 2013

a peek into the cobwebs of my brain

I haven't posted in a while. sorry. I've been largely incommunicado for a while now. I've been struggling with some personal mental health issues. Don't fret, I'm fixing things. I should be up and at 'em sooner than later.

In the meantime I dyed my hair black and have discovered two things can make me happy. Baking yummy treats and painting furniture. Who knew? Anyhow...I hope to get a therapist and some items to paint & more things to bake shortly. Once that is all underway I will be on my way to a better, happier, more stable me. For now I'm a little wobbly.

In the meantime, humor me. Please interact with me and respond to my weekly questions.

This week's question:

What do you like to do most on rainy days?



  1. I like to hang with you on rainy days! Sunny ones too! I also like to read and work out on the Kinect! Glad to see you are blogging again! Keep it up.

  2. Curling up with a good book with the window open so I can listen to the raindrops hitting the leaves on the trees. And the fresh smell of wet dirt. :)
