So, I've decided I need a hobby. Something that isn't writing or editing. Something outside of my comfort zone but that I can do, indoors or with friends. Here's the plan. Every month I've picked two items I pinned from Pinterest or elsewhere, on a crafty website, and do them.
Some, are organizational household needs, some are personal needs or learning how-to's. Some are items for the house.
Here's the tentative list so far. It lasts for the whole next year (more planning than I usually do).
Some, are organizational household needs, some are personal needs or learning how-to's. Some are items for the house.
Here's the tentative list so far. It lasts for the whole next year (more planning than I usually do).
- photo sort, organize, scan and frame
- Firefly jars for Jody and Connie
- Making cards for the hubby
- turn wine bottle holder into bathroom towel holder
- Apothecary Jars
- Make myself a neat necklace
- organize batteries for the house
- Make a vintage wind chime
- Organize cards from friends and family
- Make box book shelves
- Frame old photos with curtain rod and ribbon
- Make homemade playdoh
- Frame Evil Dead & Dawn of the Dead Signed poster & photo with blood spatter frame.
- Make baby bed spring bulletin board.
- Frame degrees
- Make kitchen table centerpiece
- Make tea party dishes
- Frame Andy's artwork
- Organize household user manuals
- Make Slipcover for the couch
- Frame the Ghost In The Shell posters
- Refinish desk
- Refinish small drawers to match desk and small "Nightmare before Christmas" like chair.
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