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Friday, October 14, 2011


Note: I was going to write about this about a month ago, and couldn't. I just didn't think I could find the words. I'm still not sure I've found the right words. But I'll try, so here goes.

Yesterday, Buttercup A.K.A Butters, my former kitty, passed away. She had a tumor on her spine and had been sick for the last month. We buried her in the yard, and she's finally at peace and not in pain any longer. She was a good cat and she will be missed.

Among my memories:
When Angel and I first got Butters,  from her foster parent, she was so shy she trembled when you came near her. Her foster mom said she'd named her Buttercup because she was so sweet and Miracle (Butter's son) because it was a miracle he'd lived. She'd been living in the streets and had a litter on the streets. When we got her we were told she was very shy and timid but sweet, and so we adopted both her and her last kitten, Miracle. Angel and I adopted them within a few month of moving to the Pacific NW and we didn't really know what we were doing. I was initially really worried I couldn't be a good enough kitty parent to her. She needed so much love and patience. There was a night though, that I remember thinking, "wait, maybe this was a good decision". It was a night, about a month after getting the 2 cats, when I'd put catnip down on the linoleum for the kids. I'd passed out on the couch and woke up to little chittering excited kitty sounds. I looked over, and lo and behold Butters was leaping and rolling in the nip. I realized then that no matter what this cat could be happy. For a few years there, Butters was my cat, and although we were mismatched she eventually got to her home, MGX. When she became MGX's cat she seemed to find a safe home, a quiet home. I was never a bad cat mama, I was just a noisy cat parent, to the point that a jumpy cat like Butters was often ill at ease around me. I am still so happy she became MGX's cat. I take some solace in knowing that Butters knew happiness and comfort and affection, and she lived a good long life, for a cat that came in off the streets. She will be missed and she'll always have a special place in my heart and memories. I am grateful that she left Miracle in my world and she made the world a better place. She was a very special cat who will be missed by us all.

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