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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 Day song challenge, day 1 ~ my favorite song

This is one of my mini-projects. I'm doing this largely to establish a routine for myself and give myself something fun to do everyday that involves something creative, in this case, writing about music.

I've seen this for a while online and decided I would add a little to it. Everyday for the next month (I need something to keep my mind off of my current situation) I will post about a song in context of the 30 day song challenge.

Today's post is my favorite song.
Currently it is a tie. It wasn't always this way. For many many years one song ruled them all in my universe ~ Alphaville's Forever Young. I heard it when it first came out, I was an avid radio listener and it was just perfect for me. I always had a stereo growing up and pretty routinely fell asleep to the stereo and one night, when I was having an oh-so-rare happy dream the song played in my dream. It further cemented its place in my musical history when it was the first song I ever danced with a boy to. That was a perfect moment. I danced at a LDS dance with my first boyfriend to that song. Perfect. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment. I mean, sure, he and I broke up like a week later, but for that night, it was lovely.
Over the years though the New Wave classic has been remixed and covered and used at any prom from the 80s on up. It also is less applicable in my life, even though I still love it. Dearly. I listen to it rarely to keep the love alive.
I have been seeing another song on the side though. It is Johnette Napolitano's I can do anything. I think of it as a mantra. Here are the lyrics . I saw her perform this live in Mesa many many years ago and it brought tears to my eyes. Such a great and inspiring song. I was given a tape of her singing this many many years ago after my apartment burned down, and that song is part of what kept me going. I'm a very musically based person, I always have a soundtrack in my head going, and when life super sucks and is really tough, I break out with Johnette. That song reminds me that life is ongoing and always changing and that's okay.
They say a lot of things they said
you will be lied to, be mislead
your heart will tell you what to do
your heart will never lie to you
~johnette napolitano

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